Ovo-Brownies for National Holiday

723 years.

That’s how old Switzerland is getting today. Happy Birthday old fellow.

So I thought I’d be in order to bake something swiss-ish. But I didn’t feel like eating some yeast-based (because let’s be honest, they almost all are) sweet. But what I did feel like was Brownies. I’ve been feeling like eating some of these bad boys for quite sometime now. To make them a little less American (are they American?) and a little more appropriate for our Swiss National Holiday I replaced all the chocolate with Ovomaltine.

Do you know Ovomaltine? Initially it was just available as a hot chocolate-like drink with the difference that it is made with malt extract, honey, yeast and glucose syrup. Yup and ever since the 1904 this little drink of heaven has been available in Switzerland. I believe you can buy it in England too, but the name is slightly different. Ovaltine, if I am not wrong.


And because if something sells well, there will be a time when this product will be available as cookies, ice cream, chocolate, energy bars and much more. So I had a chance to buy some actual chocolate and see if malt is actually melting down. I didn’t have a clue. But since it is chocolate after all, it did of course melt (phew) even if it had a slightly crunchy consistency.

I know that normally walnuts are placed in Brownies, but since my Dad is allergic I replaced them with some yummi macademia nuts. All I say is this: It really works.



  • Servings: 12
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print

100g soft butter
2 eggs
1 tsp vanillin sugar
150g sugar
200g Ovomaltine chocolate
200g all-purpose flour
100g macademia nuts, chopped

1. Stir the butter until soft.
2. Add the eggs, sugar and vanillin sugar and mix well.
3. Melt the chocolate as good as you can, it’s okay if there are some crunchy bits in it, and add to the mix.
4. Add the sifted flour and mix well.
5. Add the chopped macademia nuts, mix and spoon into the prepared tray.

Preheat the oven to 200° and place the tray in the middle for 15-20 minutes.

Leave to cool and cut into squares.



You know how lucky we are? After a rainy week (or even weeks, I can hardly remember) today is the most beautiful sunny day. Just in time for fireworks and outside BBQ. I think I made the right choice after all bringing these to todays Fiesta Friday at Angie’s place. Today I also have something else to celebrate. I just heard or read to be more precise, that Angie featured my little post about the Lunch with the Film Crew from last week. I am soooo delighted about this. I will certainly light another little bang just because of this honour.

The crew from Fiesta Friday just made my day! Thank you so much.




25 thoughts on “Ovo-Brownies for National Holiday

  1. This drink is available in the states as Ovaltine, but I haven’t seen it in chocolate bar form. Interesting that you used it for brownies! Genius, Martina. I bet it tastes delicious.


  2. Pingback: Breakfast Biscuit | Fiesta Friday #27 | The Novice Gardener

  3. Oh Happy Birthday Switzerland! Hope you have a wonderful celebration and so pleased to hear that the sun has come out for the occasion. Your Ovo-Brownies are a lovely tribute to a drink that has been around for so many decades – we grew up with ovaltine here in Australia too… though our family favourite was always Milo. Thanks for bringing along these special treats to Fiesta Friday #27 – I can guarantee they’ll disappear in a flash! Cheers, Margot


  4. Hope you had a great time celebrating. I certainly remember Ovomaltine from my childhood in Germany. Don’t recall if I ever tried it though. The brownies certainly look delicious and macadamia sounds like a wonderful addition.
    Have a great weekend and lots of sunshine 🙂


  5. Congratulations on being featured Martina!! And happy birthday to Switzerland! This brownie looks phenomenal, I don’t think I’ve ever tried the ovo and macadamia nut combination, but it sounds rather delicious!
    I’m sure the FF crowd is also loving these brownies, and I hope you are enjoying the party and costumes this week!!


  6. Do you also have Ovaltine chocolate drink in your place? I used to eat that powder when I was a child. 😀 The chocolate version must be really good, too. And much better when turned into a brownies. 😀


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