Elderflower Liquor for Fiesta Friday #19

Last Friday was Fiesta Friday, how could I forget? To be honest, we had a National Holiday here in Switzerland on Thursday. So my excuse is, the days just melted into each other until Monday came along. But now I’ve got my bearings back for the next challenge.

Despite my confusion, I had plenty of time to bake and shake last weekend. And because it was a long one, and because it was a Bank holiday, and because that’s just what everybody should do.. I made some liquor. Well, yes… just because.

At the moment elderflower is in bloom everywhere around here and – shame o shame – no one seems to be using these wonderful tasty heads for their cooking, baking or drinks. What a shame indeed. So, I went and raided my parents neighbours plant on Thursday. I am sure they don’t mind, specially because I put a small bottle of liquor aside for them. I can tell you, we had such a lovely smell in the apartement for a few days. Sweet, sweet elderflower everywhere. I just love it.


So what could be more fitting than brining this wonderful smell and tasty drink to a party? I can’t think of much, but yes, that might just be me. This is incredibly simple to make, I promise!

Ooo and you know what? Today is also my birthday. So another reason to get a wee bit of a drink out and celebrate. Specially since the day promises to be bright and warm. Barbeque, anyone? 🙂


Elderflower Liquor

  • Servings: a lot, see all my bottles
  • Difficulty: super easy
  • Print

10 elderflower heads
750ml water
1/2 juice of half a lemon
700ml wodka or schnaps (I used schnaps)
250g granulated sugar

1. Clean the elderflower buds with water or shake to get rid of insects.
2. Combine the water and the lemon juice.
3. Add the elderflower heads and let them soak for 12 hours or longer.
4. Strain through clean fine muslin cloth or a fine-meshed sieve into a clean bowl
5. Add the wodka or schnaps and mix well.
6. Just pour into bottles and done!


I think I might just take the rest of the day off, put my feet on the table (yes I do that sometimes), cut a big hole into a wonderful cake, get the lounge chair out (that’s just who I am) and relax. Sounds good to me.

So Happy Fiesta Friday and cheers everyone!



17 thoughts on “Elderflower Liquor for Fiesta Friday #19

  1. Happy Happy Birthday Martina! I think I shall sing for you…
    “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Martina!!!! Happy Birthday to you!”
    I have never heard of elderflower….very creative.
    Hope you are having a wonderful birthday!


    • Haha.. thanks Lori. Now you’re putting a big smile onto my face.. Ooo is elderflower an European thing? I didn’t realise. If you ever get your hands onto it it’s well worth checking out. Somewhat a sweet flavour.. lovely.


  2. Pingback: Fiesta Friday #19 | The Novice Gardener

  3. Happy Birthday! The elderflower is so beautiful (as well as delicious I’m sure). Thanks for sharing with FF (and I’m sure your parents didn’t mind you raiding their plant with a small bottle of liquor aside for them)! Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂


  4. Happy Birthday, I hope you’re enjoying it! Thanks so much for bringing this recipe to the party. Happy Fiesta Friday! 🙂


  5. Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day is / was beautiful…. AND>>>>Welcome Welcome Welcome Martina!! This is so exciting for me!! I’m just starting to make my own liquors,etc…and having so much fun!! I’m not exactly sure if I could get elder flowers around here…I’ll have to look into that…but I’m thinking that I could substitute others, such as rose petals…etc. This is such an awesome thing to bring to Fiesta Friday’s table…and I’m so happy you did! Have a lovely weekend…I hope it’s spent celebrating your birthday!! ❤


  6. Happy Birthday, Martina! I used to have an elderflower bush at my old house. It was quite invasive, actually, and I loved using the fruits to make jellies, etc. But I didn’t have the chance to experiment with the flowers before moving. I’m contemplating whether I should plant it in my current garden or not, since it spreads, but after seeing this, I’m seriously considering it. Btw, your photo didn’t link completely, so I linked your opening shot for you. Let me know if you prefer another, I can edit it. 🙂


    • Hi Angie! Oh wonderful. I just learned that elderflower is not known everywhere, as I have assumed. Mmm the fruits are awesome too. I always make sirup which is the best for a lingering cough (yes I love using plants for healing). The picture is fine, I seem to have had some computer problems, hope it’ll work better next time.


  7. Happy birthday!! What a great way to celebrate with your own liquors! Elderflower has such a beautiful smell, I could almost smell it as I read your post. Thanks for sharing this with Fiesta Friday!


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